Thursday, October 28, 2010

i crushed on my DIET today!!!! wtf!!!huhuhu

im back...but with NOT GOOD story of what just happened (during my lunch hour)..

I went to the nearby restaurant, Awang Mahyan (a place like no otrhers..hahha)..where we used to have our breakfast n lunch on our weekdays. Nothing special and everyday we rotate our menu...BUT STILL >it's the same menu---> Nasi Ayam, Lalapan, Mee Kolek, Mee Goreng and etc.

This morning i took a bowl of oatmeal (5 tbspn) and a cup of hot coffee. So, at about 12.45pm, i was thinking of having SOUPY SOUP (vege or tomyam seafood) for lunch. Unlucky me, they just have it only for the evening menu. (''-_-) sigh... So, i asked for BAKSO (no more!) then i asked for NASI AYAM (also no more!!)..haiiyaaahh! then i ordered Fried Kuew Teaw with Lime Juice and it was FINISHED (empty clean tidy plate left)..with spoon & fork on d table.. OMG!!!!!!!!!! i crushed on my diet RULES!!!..huhuhuhu :(

Not only that, when me and my collegue was invited by Kelvin for an ice-cream (@ Parkson).. oh my gosh!!!!!! again..i took an ice-cream McD Mc Flurry Chocolate Flavour.. stupid! stupid! stupid! i tasted it for just few spoon. Then the rest, i brought it back to the office and passed it to one of my trainee.. I don't eat Choc because it can caused FAT and it is too sweet to me (not good for my teeth).. ngeeeee :D

Now, i wanna go to the kitchen and make a cup of tea(plain without sugar) for myself..

(i promise to myself - i will do my very best to keep fit & target is 55kg..amin)


SMILE ---> ngeeee :D

Dedicated to ALL :)

You're better than the best
I'm lucky just to linger in your life
Cooler than the flip-side of my pillow (that's right)
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me
Let's me know that it's okay (yea, it's okay)
And the moments when my good times start to fade

You make me smile like a sun, Fall outta bed
Sing like a bird, Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record, Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like fool, Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile

Even when you don't
Somehow you come along just like a flower pokin through the sidewalk crack
And just like that
You steal away the rain
And just like that


Don't know how I lived without you
'Cuz everytime that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile
You make me dance like fool, Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile


(Oh, you make me smile)
Oh you make me smille
(Oh, you make me smile)
Oh you make me smille

it's been a while....

Date: 28/10/2010

Time: 12:37pm

Im wearing a long sleeve shirt with a black legging today. I got butterfly in my stomach but im on DIET. Im still thinking and planning in mind WHAT SHOULD I EAT FOR LUNCH ---> which is LOW-FAT & NO CHOLESTROL.. (''-_-) it's really hard to slim down, isn't?? what to do, gonna work hard for it dowh...I DUN WANNA GET FATTER than WHAT I AM NOW! simpang malaikat 44..aduh2..

I missed my blog. i always wanna write something on it wall but then, whenever i wanna do so, then my brain got STUCK & JAMMED. lost nd blur! hahahaa.. stupid mind! im trying. (and im starving...) :( i said IM LOST! maybe coz of d "butterfly" in me.. erm...maybe i should go for some food... simple soup! k? see you in a while k? muaahhhh...

Hugs - Bo0

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~ In LOVING Memories - My HuCkleBeRrY BoO ~

You see this story starts over a year ago. Well will soon be 2 years ago. I had meet this man. Well to me this man was perfect. But then when one loves someone that seems to be the case doesn't it. Well you see in the begining thing were great other than he was over (486 km) miles away. So seeing each other than by a plane ride wasn't really going to work. Well things went along for a while all fine and dandy. Till suddenly he started to change. Not sure, was it me or him. My life totally MISERABLE when he wasn't here with me. I always wanted him to know that, HOW MUCH I NEED HIM by my side. Well, i wasn't a demanded GF and actually he was considered as a very lucky BF to have me. Why did i said that? Because, all this while i kept this feeling of loneliness to myself, just because i don't want to make him feels like being FORCE or PUSH too hard in this relationship. However, i saw that he never ever wanted to learn about LOVE LIFE, and not even tried to understand my feeling (so hard to hear him saying I LOVE YOU - I MISS YOU).. Arrghh!!!! Then, it happened about a week ago, he CONFIRMED me with one thing ---> BREAK-OFF. I sent him an email to discuss about this and that time i was so upset. I wrote everything and asking for the break-off he thinks that he can't go on with this relationship anymore.Well not taking any notice. I let things go. Well i figure he had cold feet. So i let it go. decided to see where thing went wrong from there. They went down hill big time...
and NOW - TODAY, we are OVER with this relationship. To be honest with him, me myself, there is no BIG MATTER about this break-off between us. He was a very good guy to me. He was really2 mature but he wasn't a a lover (as of yet). He admit that for so long. He didn't know about how was it being in love and to treat his GF (me).. :D whatever it is, our decision is for our goods and future. We still friends and hope still keep in touch as like before.. Insyaallah, we both pray for each other and if there is a faith, destiny, if we are really MEANT to be with each other, the time will come and it will show us.. Amin..

Monday, July 12, 2010

I Love You o-('',)-o so much...muuaahh

I would give up everything
Before I'd separate myself from you
After so much suffering
I've finally found unvarnished truth
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heart it would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you
I was lost lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful i found you.

(98 Degrees)
I would give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
Because without you beside me I can't survive
Don't wanna try
If you're keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be all right
Cause I need you in my life

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you (I'm thanking you)
I was lost lost without you (so lost without you)
My every wish and every dream (every dream, every dream)
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight (brought the sunlight)
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful I found you.

-Bridge- (Mariah & 98 Degrees)
See I was so desolate
Before you came to me
Looking back I guess it shows
That we were destined to shine
After the rain to appreciate
The gift of what we have
And I'd go through it all over again
To be able to feel this way

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you
I was lost lost without you (lost without you baby)
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life (whole life)
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Sweet baby I'm so thankful
I found you

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you
I'm lost lost without you
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful
I found you

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful I found you

Friday, July 9, 2010

SOMEONE is PEEPS on ME!! pick a boo!! pity...


today is SATURDAY @ 10/07/2010. After this, me, fred and sahrail will make a move to PARKSON for PREDATOR movie..yaayy!!! i can say that we are the 3 STOOGES and there, bfast or lunch..hahaha ('',)-o it's nice to have this kind of friendship..makes me feel happy and really my life...Thanks GOD i found them ...

oh ya..i just would like to write about people who is never ever giving up on me, keep on investigating me, peeping on my life..haiisshh (''-_-)...i never thought that after that tragedy, i becoming so WELL KNOWN and FAMOUS..hahahaha :)

i just get to know from my friends that SOMEONE always surfed on this SUGAR & SALT blog. i wonder WHY? this is my blog, and it's up to me to write this and that..isn't??? huh...please that SOMEONE, please stop being CHILDISH ok? just live your life as it is NOW. I remember one day, you and me communicated thru the SMS. I gave you my full RESPECT and by all means tried not to hurt your feeling. And you to me at that time, was a very good person, talked nicely and gave advise (eventhough it wasn't my was HIM..). But am totally WRONG about you. coz at my back, keep on talking about bad thing, about me.. what you get?

i heard you said, i was asking and looking, begging for others sympathy for what i ve gone through. aahh..when i heard that, it makes me LAUGH..because, it wasn't ME but it is YOU YOUR GOODSELF. talking at my back, MAKE UP stories and keep on repeating the same old stories to your friends, relatives etc. so tell me now, who is the one? begging/looking for people's sympathy?? still never have any TRUSTWORTHY-CONFIDENT to him, to your self especially. after that particular month and year, to date 10/07/2010, i never ever got any INTENTION to kacau or try to do the COME BACK into his life ever ever ever and ever again..NEVER!. shit! what for? i got a better life now..happy with my friends and family

SO, all i wanted you to do is to STAY AWAY from my life as like what am doing now..and actually it is for a very long time already, I DID IT.. to YOU, i am a BITCH - to me, you are still a lady - a HUMAN BEING made by GOD- Allah SWT. we are the SAME. bare in your mind...  Whatever past, i let it be my past, and to whatever things happen after that, I just say a little prayer and live it to GOD to deal with it. Insyaallah..amin..

BE FAIR... dun let me PLAY THE GAME - for ONE MORE TIME...

hahhaa....i can't write anything now..but it is so funny when i just get to know that SOMEONE is keep on INVESTIGATING life my everything...()&*)(&)#%^(@*%(%(!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

for the rest of my life

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say

I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here

Infront of me I strongly feel love

And I have no doubt

And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Yup. that's what i heard.

so, what else to say? maybe this is the best way to be. maybe, it's time to surrender.

i don't want to force people to remember me, sms me, chat with me, email me and whatsoever.

i just let them be "silent" because i know and i understand, i am just a girl who always give them stress, boring mood.

(sigh) i live my life as it is now. i never ever forget my friends. coz friends are GOD  most precious gift.

i always pray for their HAPPINESS.

Regards, B0o

Monday, June 7, 2010

can't hardly wait for this movie - RESIDENT EVIL - AFTERLIFE - wanna see my IDOLE - mila jovovich..YAYYY!!


She is my IDOLE. i am so damn adore her talent, beauty and etc about her..

how i wish i could snap a pic with her..omg!! she's GORGEOUS!!

this movie will release by September 2010. can't hardly wait for the movie and her ACTIONS on cinema...go girl!! ;D

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tonight - i am thinking about him - someone that i used to call as "B"

~ Dear B ~

I do not know what to think
I do not know what to do
I am sitting here in tears
Because I will never be with you
I thought you would be the one
To take away my feelings of blue

But now I can see
That I was so truely wrong
I have been thinking a long time
About you and me

But now I can see
That maybe it was never meant to be
Where do I go from here?
What am I meant to think?
I think of you, and shed a tear
As my confidence slowly sinks
I could not care less
About anything other than you right now
I feel such a mess

How did I fall for you so quickly?
Tell me...How?!
You are so perfect in my mind
I do not want no one else but you
But my friends keep telling me
That in time
I will find
Someone new

I do not think I can believe them this time
As I like you so much
I can not help but imagine the wedding bells chime
But you will never have feelings for me like that as such...
coz u knew "I will NEVER be with you"

and lastly, i just let our memories fading away
seeing you go with her...hand in hand
I say a little prayer for both of you

"Dear Lord, let them be blessed with all your love and together forever and ever..till death...amin.."

~Sincerely from your Long Lost Bo0~

Song from Secret Garden - i miss you B...very deep inside my heart..


aku sekarang berada di bilik adik ku. yang lain, masing2 buat hal sendiri. ye lah, tambahan pulak esok cuti. birthday AGUNG - DAULAT TUANKU.. (sigh). aku lost. betul2 aku tak tau nak buat apa lagi dah malam2 gini. setengah jam yang lepas, aku baru je balik dari membeli kuih muih di pasar malam saberkas. cuma ada hari jumaat dan sabtu je. aku tertinggal handphone ku di rumah. ingatkan bila aku balik, ada lah satu dua SMS diterima.

hah..bila je sampai umah, aku carik handphone aku and NOTHING...AT ALL...tapi aku tak marah cuma aku rasa sedikit terkilan. aku hairan, kenapa aku saja yang salu teringatkan orang? aku? takde sapa pun nak ingat, jauh sekali nak mengenang. entah lah. aku tak pernah demanding dalam apa2 pun hubungan, baik dalam persahabatan ataupun cintan cintun. aku tak suruh call tiap2 ari...aku cuma nak bila bukak je mata, terus sms or bz mcm manapun, cukup lah hantar sms berbunyi "sorry..ari nie bz u, miss u..muaahh"..ataupun "muahh"...cukup lah takat seberapa kerat tu je. sekali dlm sehari da cukup and kalau dua kali pun, bila da nak tido lah.."good nite"...

aku faham kalau org kata BUSY. coz i am a career women. dah  bertahun2 dah bekerja. masakan aku tak memahami jikalau orang kata "busy". aku bukanlah seiorang perempuan yang terlalu kejam sehingga meletakkan syarat2 dalam apa jua jenis perhubungan. cuma aku heran, kenapa susah sangat orang nak faham? berat sangat ke permintaan aku??

tiap kali on9, aku pasti akan mulakan dengan salam kepada semua kawan2 yang on9. kalau ada yang off9 pun aku bagi gak pesanan, takat to say good morning and have a nice day. ada yang reply, ada pulak saja2 biarkan mcm gitu. kadang2 perasaan sedih mula timbul dengan sikap kawan2. kadang2 email pun brtahun2 tak dibalas dengan alasan terlalu sibuk. YA ALLAH.. masakan sibuk sebegitu sekali, adakah masa untuk bermunajat? kepada ALLAH yang meberikan rezeki penuh zat? hidup mewah serba cukup penuh nikmat? masakan satu saat tiada terluang untuk membaca email, membalas...paling tidak pun SMS...

SMS - saban hari aku mengintai handphone ku. nasib baiklah bukanlah smart phone. cuma handphone biasa je. aku tak punya teman istimewa. entah lah kenapa liat sangat jodoh aku. bila berjumpa, aku pulak yang jadi TABUNG KEBAJIKAN - asyik nak pinjam duit lah, itu lah, ini lah..rimas..aku jadi rimas. sepatutnya lelaki hendak lah bertindak sebagai ketua, cuba selesaikan masalah lain pulak, aku pulak support finance..aarrghhh!!!!!....aku tension...

bagi sesetengah kawan2, aku semakin dlupakan. ye lah, aku pun sibuk jugak..tapi aku tau nak sparekan masa untuk SMS. cukup lah sekadar yang ringkas seperti bertanya kabar ataupun mendoakan kesejahteraan kawan2. tetapi akhirnya, AKU DILUPAKAN.

Having Chest Pain

(''-.-) huh...(sigh).. i am so tired of having this painful chest (hard to breathe). Almost 2 and a half weeks already and it's getting worst especially when the night comes. Every midnight i will be having some sort of like "asthma" symptom which makes my breathing tube feels like "busted" from my chest. I will sit down, try to keep my body/back straight on the couch for easy breathing. In mind, i keep on asking myself, what is actually happening to me recently (sigh). I still remember, last week I was too tired and exhausted (because we were moving in to our new office - a lot of things wasn't completed by the contractor, renovation works, painting the wall, air-cond installation etc). The dust was here and there - filled the office spaces with no AIR/OXYGEN at all for us to breathe. Plus, due to Gawai celebration (1st June) mood, the contractors seems to do things like so "cincai" and "kelam-kabut". My chest pain was feeling so terrible till one time my throat and heart felt like bloted, it caused a very damn huge blood vomit (for 3 days in a row) in the office. However, i didn't tell anybody about this (especially my family).

Lastly, every time before my sleep and whenever i open my eyes in the morning, the very first thing to do is to say a little prayer, praise to Allah the Almighty to keep me myself in a good shape of health and please to keep this pain away from me. I am so afraid of this pain ever since i noticed that it can cause me death - sometimes am not be able to breathe smoothly/get stuck (feeling like i am a working corpse on the earth)...


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Berpantun RAYA Seribu BAHASA :D

Make ikke cicoh budu
Jange lupo tamboh satar
Kelik rayo taksir laju
Nanti rayo dale sepita

Makang ubi jamang jepong
Makang kepok cicah cuke
Bulang pose mung bengong
Bulang raye mung gile

Sepadan Pahang ada kasino
Nasi dagang ikan patin
Jange mu masam muko
Raya makan rendang sadin

Cegitu cegini awak suke
Awak suke kite tak suke
Esok luse hari raye
Sama-sama bersuke rie

Hawau kau berak merate
Kaki bengkak ulau patok
Kalu balik naik kerete
Jangan pandu kalau ngantok

N. Sembilan...
Masak lomak cili api
Campo dongan daun turi
Hari rayo kolumpo sopi
Tinggal penyamun dongan pencuri (org kolumpo jgn kocik ati!!)

Wa cakap lu wa tak tau
Tapi wa tipu sama lu
Raya jangan buat tak tau
Angpau ada bagi gua dulu

Gulai tempoyak ikan mayong
Deroyan busok tebok tupai
Pandu hemat ingat kampong
Asal teman selamat sampai

Aloq Staq terketaq-ketaq
Lapaq perut makan pau
Macam mana tak ketaq
Kena paksa bagi angpau

Nasi kandaq kedai mamak
Anak mami juai pesemboq
Lepas raya usah dok triak
Kalu ceti mai ikut dapoq

Padang besaq kecik aja
Tempat siam lalu lalang
Hari raya kita berbelanja
Jangan sampai menambah utang

5th December 2009 ~ Day of My LOST LOVE ~

Hi there, 

I have been debating to write this story, but something in my heart keeps telling me that I have to. Maybe it’s to put closure to us, maybe its just to tell you how I feel, I don’t really don’t know.
I think back to us over the last 17 months and I am filled with mixed emotions – love, hurt, anger, and confusion. We had a roller coaster ride in our relationship and there’s a big part of me that wants it to end but another part of me that doesn’t. 

When you told me you loved me, did you know it would take me the rest of my life. To get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right. When you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side, how could I know that you would go - that you would run…pity me – I thought you were the one.
One night after the big argument between us, I still remember that it was the very first time we supposedly broke up. You seems to be crazy when I asked for it and you were telling me you wanted me back on our track and you so damn crazily loved me – and that time, it seemed like it was true to me - but I don't know where our relationship stands and I was so confused due to your STATUS (you were legally OWNED).

Many things with guys have gone wrong in my past - all those relationships that I thought were gonna last. I have loved and been hurt too many times, so I have let down my guard and covered this broken heart of mine. I have given up on love because it gave up on me. So, if I were you, I would not try my chances on this broken heart, just turn around and leave me.

I know I must forget you to go on and I can't hold back my tears too long. Though life won't be the same, I have got to take the blame and find the strength I need to let you go.

I guess I will always love you. I will always love that simple man within you, the sweet you, the sensitive you, the affectionate you. And I will always miss the sweet words, your text messages, your admiring glances, the tight hugs, the sweet kisses, your touch, your strong arms, your comfort, the feeling of being safe, your sweet smile, your cute jokes with your crazy clown laugh, our long telephone conversation, our dinners, the holding hands, the late night in the friendly parking lot and YOU.

So, I let you go and my heart aches because I can feel the pain and the confusion you are going through. There'll never be a moment I'll regret because I have loved you since the day we met. For all the love you gave and all the love we made, I strongly believe and I know I have got to find the strength to say IT’S OVER between us.

Just walk away, just say goodbye don't turn around now, you may see me cry. I mustn't fall apart or show my broken heart or the love I feel for you. So walk away and close the door and
let my life be as it was before. And I will never ever know just how I let you go…

But there's nothing left to say –

Let OUR Loves be HISTORY... 


Friday, May 14, 2010

Song : Selamat Malam (''-_-)

"Malam ini... sunyi sepi
Kau terlena dalam mimpi
Kau tersenyum
Menikmati Cinta kita

Malam ini... sunyi sepi
Bermimpilah tentang Cinta

Ku ingin selalu

Selamat Malam......oh CINTA ku....."

- Vina Pandu Winata - 
(OST Malam Satu Suro) 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tada!!!!! Cup Cakes - hand made by Me & my youngest brother - A'an.. :D

morning2 all.. today is Monday and people usually called it as BLUE Monday.. i arrived my office at about 7:35 a.m today. don't know what leads me earlier nowadays. I wonder why..But am happy because i always BE PUNCTUAL..hahaha like the BLOG title as the above-mentioned..please to introduce you our hand made Cup Cakes..wakakaka :D

Yesterday me and my younger brother Aan made a cup cakes for ourself..for suka2 bah..thats why the Cup Cakes not really look TIDY and well DECORATED..hahaha :D we were just simply put on the icing and sugar bits on the surface.. My mom bising2 at two of us because we din't do it properly. 

so....this is it....enjoy it yah!!... nest time both of us will bake another cup cake again...this time will be much proper and sweet..(BUT..LESS SUGAR yaa...) :D

Saturday, May 1, 2010

errmm..CUP CAKES

weekend??? what to do? i am a very boring girl type..haiisshhh (''-_-)

ermm..thinking of CUP CAKES??? how? let see...get the recipe and then, i will try to bake another Cup Cakes..hehehee..

wish me Good Luck..

muuaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... :D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2 is better than 1 - I missed my MANG so much -

Ever since this early morning, at home, inside my car till i arrived my office, i never stop listening to this song. Keep on playing it on my track list NON-STOP. Why? Because this song means a lot to me. For the past 2 months, my life was kinda like fulled with butterflies..with many kind of colors and sizes. and because of that lovely someone..i use to call him "my abg sayang".. ('',)

I remember what you wore on the first day

You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing

'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
Yeah, yeah

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone

And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

and today...till now...i miss him so the very much...even if he didn't, i don't care..coz this is my feeling...thanks ya... :p

Monday, April 26, 2010

CLIT da beranak.. yaayyy!!!!

huh...kepak nyawa ku nyaut tepon satu hari tok eh..lelah.. aku rasa nak, sik lamak gik, balit ku. malas ku nak stay opis tok dah.

sik sabar ku balit nak nemu anak2 pusak ku nak baru. Pagi tek, mom nemu Clit ngan anak2 nya kat belakang sofa d belakang umah..comel2 anak Clit..sama warna cam Lulu juak. 3 ekok semuanya. Means, aku ada 9 ekok da pusak d umah..mcm2 size jak dak nya d umah ya..wakakaka :D makin sakit lah adik ompuan ku meli k mkn dak nya..nait lagik la budget nya n bz agik la nya muang taik2 sidak kelak..apapun, aku bangga ngan adik ku ya, Dewi..bait alu ngan pusak..beratus da duit nya abis k ngembak dak pusak ya g VET mun daknya suspected sakit atau apa2..haisshh ('',)..

pagi tek ku nengar nya nak meli kandang baru k Clit..mati lah sendat umah ku ya kelak ngan kandang pusak..hahahaha :D aku gk tgh berfikir juak tok, pa nama pusak ku ya kelak kah? errm..aku yakin, aan pun mesti berebut nak merik pusak ya nama..salu jak gia..haiissshh...ermm...kelak aku ambik pic dak nya ok?

Pusak2 ku:

2. Lulu - Team Leader
3. Mimi - Siamese Si Princess
4. Big Mac - Si kontot
5. Pilus - Si Buncit
6. Bubu - Si Taik/Kecik
7. _____________
8. _____________
9. _____________

errm..... :P

KeY EeL (Kuala Lumpur) Last Part this is the last part:

6/04/2010 (Tuesday)
we packed our things and ready for check-out. Except for Rina. She needs to stay because she got course to attend to on the next day. we sempat turun sekejap and grabbed few things from the shop nearby. I bought few kain for my mom n aunties. 12.30pm, me and Tini off to KL sentral and from KL Sentral, we get the Skybus to LCCT. after lunch everything at the Taste of Asia, we sat down and waited for our flight to arrive. BUT, we got stuck when the officer make announcement telling that our flight, both Miri and Sibu will be delayed. Tini's flight supposed to be at 6.50 pm and mine is 10 mins after her flight. At last, my flight fly-off to MIri @ 7.35pm and arrived at almost 10p.m..

Thats it.. THE END.. :D

KeY EeL (Kuala Lumpur) Part 3, i am in a rush to complete and to finish this writing (about my trip to KL)..ermm..i just got an idea..How about, i just write it in point.. to where we went to..ok? :D

Then here it goes......

3/04/2010 (Saturday)

- we had our breakfast somewhere near to the hotel. at the back side of the hotel with Papa.
- next destination: Bandar Sunway (Sunway Shopping Mall) we didn't make it to the Lagoon (as like our first plan) because we didn't prepare anything for it such as spare cloth, towel, we just took a photo and went shopping..:p i bought t-shirts for my brothers (kroll, acer & a'an). NONE for me myself. 3 of us went separately. Tini and Rina while i am with Papa. After i had done with mine, Papa called up and i met him somewhere downstairs. then, we both went for drink at the "Dessert" i think. :D Supposed to go for bowling but then, papa got meeting with his contractor at 4pm. then at about 3.30 pm, we all make a move to Damansara.

- next station: One Utama
Papa dropped us at the One Utama shopping mall and he went to meet up his friend. I was so
amazed once i reached One Utama. To see such a lot of shopping mall in KL. Not only a LOT but
also bigger compare to what we had in Miri or Kuching. How i wish am KL citizen when i was
firstly born to earth.. :( hahahaha..
so, three of us again go pusing2 keliling and shoping-ing..hahaha :D snap here and there :D.

- at about 8 something (pm), we went back to the hotel and tired.

- later after that, i went out and stayed at my friend's house, Ms. Lydia (ejal's girlfriend)..wakakaka

4/04/2010 (Sunday)

- at almost 11 a.m., get a monorail to Bukit bintang and we looked for any of Malay stall nearby (for breakfast)Sungei Wang. Chow Kit area cuma ada mamak stall je babe..tak larat aku..huhuhu :( We couldn't find one, lastly, we just had our breakfast at KFC (so boorringggg!!!). what to do kan? da lapar tahap gila pagi ya.. After breakfast, we jalan2 again kat Sungei Wang and suddenly Papa called and he wanted to go for makan coz da kebulur juak..hehehe :D. 3 of us went down and waited for Papa to pick us for another makan2.. hahahaa :D in mind, i da pasang angan2 nak mkn sup panas2..wahh! few minutes after that, Papa arrived and we had our so called "breakfast" (maka bok jak breakfast)at Medan Jaya. I came here before, i can still remember this place. I got myself some sambal, and especially BUDU! sooodaaaapppp!!!!! and also got soup on my table.. HOT sopu! yummy2..Full stomach was feeling like blotted..thanks God i dpt juak mkn sup. thanks to Papa coz tolong order sup..ngeeee :D.

- now going to Robinson/Mid Valley
nothing much here. We separated our way in couples. I went to the Pets Wonderland and i saw a kitten, cats, hamster, fishes etc.. I found NEMO..hahaha :D clown fish, Tini sakai la me..i thought it was just a fish in a movie and it's not EXIST. stupid mind!!
me and papa thought of having 3D movie at Mid Valley. Clash of the Titans. UNFORTUNATELY!! bukan2 jak QUE..dari Miri pey Bintulu jak..wakakakaka :D we changed the plan and i tarik papa to Cosmic Bowl. yeeeeaaahhh!!!! luckily, got bowling alley. After sososo long time, now the time has come. Bowling with Papa. He is a PRO geng! ;p i bought for 2 games and I won the 2nd game. hahaha ;p. then, sempat juak both of us sat for a 3D movie (organised by SONY) and experienced the 3D show for 15 minutes. So funny, papa was so BISING during the show, can only hear his voice..hahaha :D

- Nak mkn steamboat? But Tini and Rina refused to join because of too tired and plus, they both already bought sushi (tapau). At first, I was feeling like, i don't wanna go either, but then, i pegi juak lah coz teringin nak try steamboat KL. :D So, we both stopped at Restoran Kampung Nelayan (my 2nd time already) and we ate steamboat tomyam (prawn, cuttlefish, vege)...gila soodaappp eh! kenyang rasa nak kojol (bak kata papa)..hahaha.. BERBVALOi-BALOI!!! ;p peewwiitttttt...done with the dinner, papa sent me back to hotel because esok kije woiiit..hahaha :)

5/04/2010 (monday)

- we woke up so early that morning. a little chit chat and then we get prepared ourselves for another day (terjah & beli belah). 10 a.m we knocked-off from our room and again, make the very first way to Bukit Bintang. we used to make it as our spot of ORIGIN before we wanna go elewhere. at the monorail station, every each day (while we were day) we never ever missed look at the MAP, our MASTERPIECE and reference to our ways in KL.

- LOT 10
still lengang and sunyi, plus it was weekday and Monday again. BLUE MONDAY! hahaha :D 3 of us moved around the mall and went down-floor. We hbreakfast @ Little Wok. I had my Nasi Goreng Kampung ala Thai and Kiwi juice. Delicious! yummy2... :D Tini & Rina had their dishes served in a mini cute! :D omg! I saw Anuar Zain...aargghjhh..! aarghh! handsome!..hahaha (not his Fan actually)..but i still wanna have pic with him (his poster laa... wakakaka)..i managed to get one taken by Rina..tqtqtqtqtq..muaahh Rina :p and we took a few photos inside the Lot 1o. then, we off to BB PLaza. Tini bought few souvenirs for his friends and family, Rina was looking for herself and I got a new legging for me myself. Also, I bought a keychain for my mom and a necklace. I saw Tini bought something like pearl and then, both of them get themselves a bracelet (they're like twin, so they bought the same pattern bracelet..sweet isn't??) Ya lah...duak beradik tok stay jauh2 bah..bok jak nemu masa d KL..happy coz i can get them together in this trip..yaayyyy!!!

after BB plaza, we went to PAVILLION. I have never evern been there yet..2 years i didn't make a visit to KL. we walked all the way from BB PLaza to get to Pavillion (but...we walked at the WRONG way)..hahaha :D thanks God we met with one of the bell boy and he with happily showed us the direction and way to Pavillion. then we make a "U" Turn..kuang! kuang! kuang!! so hot that day! so damn hot! and I meant it HOT!!!! i felt so exhausted and thirsty like hell..jalan2 and jalan2 again till Rina asked one girl at the street and she was said like "tu ha...kat depan tu je Pavillion.." laa...pulak!!! just in front of us!! we can see it "waving and welcoming" us...laughing me..hahahaha :D yaahh! sampai sudah..PAVILLION..snappy2 here and there. last2, coz of too tired walking, we sat out butt at the Pan Cake house.. we had our pan cakes..nice! yummy! ;p 5 thumbs up!! woh? 5? ekekkke.. we bought nothing at Pavillion coz i found nothing that catchy to my eyes over that side. Few photos taken at Pavillion and we moved to Low Yatt Plaza. NOTHING THERE AS WELL.

- next station: KLCC
from Bukit Bintang station, we went to Bukit Nanas. And from Bukit Nanas, we took LRT Kelana Jaya to KLCC. we walked till Dang Wangi station and bought ticket from the machine (on the wall). it cost us RM1.30 per pax. At first, i was so confused to see people faces looked so masam2 and everybody was like in hurry to get to the LRT que. then, tini said " baruk balit dari keja sis.." naahhh!!!! no wonder! we were on our annual leaves..thats why we were smiling but those KL peoples so sour the faces wwoohh..pity! pity!..ekekeke..we get in QUE and waited for our chances to get fit into the LRT. lot of peoples using LRT. haiiyahh...we can only get our chance at the 4th stop (i think). Once we were in and the LRT was ready to go-off to KLCC and i was shocked to see it movement from the back of the LRT window...and i said "...woohh..giler laju bende niee..." sakai me! in few minutes or maybe SECONDS, we reached our destination, KLCC and we make it to Suria KLCC garden right away. At the garden, in fron of the lake, under the trees, we saw a lot of peoples having their sweet relaxing time, jogging and taking photos of the Malaysia most glamorous LANDMARK - Petronas KLCC the Twin Tower building. am proud being Malaysian. We also like the others too..took some few photos and for sure the photo of the Twin Tower. So tall laaa wa cakap well organised the compound..very clean and tidy.. :D mcm2 jak karenah...

- tbc in Last part -

Saturday, April 24, 2010

KeY Eel (Kuala Lumpur) Part 2

morning2....i just stepped into the office at about 15 minutes ago.. wah! for 2 weeks time, i came to work so early than time (8.30 a.m suppose to be).

ok..we were we yesterday? ermm..owh..Chow Kit right? I was wearing my jeans and a very2 "sempoi" baby-T ;p. hahahaa :D coz i thought that we might just hanging out around Chow Kit area. Me and Rina saw the KL landmark (where people always wanted to be whenever they come to KL).. It's the KLCC Petronas Twin Tower. Hahaha :D in my mind, i was thinking of taking our photo at the Suria KLCC Garden. I went there several times already. But i never ever get bored of that place. Staring at the twin tower, make me thinks a lot..hahahaha :D So, back to the story. Tini was left behind, walking slowly with her Canon DSLR (wish i own one like her..huhu) and took some great view photos till she bumped into this one weird guy and asking her this "tak nak ambik gambar saye ke?" "friendly" lah KL people.. Me & Rina just moved on further in front leads to KLCC (hoping that we will make it our way there) :( BUUTTT!!!!!! WE COULDN'T!! wanna know why?? hehehee... because it was too far actually from Chow Kit. after the long walk (yang terlalu sia2 and wasting time) we make a "U" turn to our hotel..ekekekeke :D we can only laughed at each other. can u imagine - walk all the way from Chow Kit to KLCC??? We suppose to get LRT to get there...hahahaha :D silly me!!! nasib sik sesat!

it's really2 tiring me. am afraid that these two sisters will make complaint or mumbling at me. But, they NEVER DID..makes me happy being with them.. happy2 a lot till i don't know what best word to describe my feeling at that time. BEING WITH MY GIRLFRIENDS.. looked at my watch and it was 6 (pm) something. we discussed among each other about our next spot. Then Rina was like having something in mind, she saw a monorail station, then came out with an idea to just go to BUKIT BINTANG and have a walk/window shopping there. and we would like to experience night life at Bukit Bintang. I used to the monorail and i got no problem with that as long as the spot is Bukit Bintang, i am very2 familiar with the area. EXPERIENCE is KNOWLEDGE..hahaha :D We stopped at Bukit Bintang and went to Sungei Wang plaza for that evening. At first, 3 of us thought of window shopping at first because we just arrived and still got few days here to catch-up with KL. jeng! jeng! jenggg!!!! It's like HEAVEN there..Sungei Wang i meant. where all the good stuff like watches, souvenirs, dresses, blouses, handbags etc were sold at the very2 reasonable and can say very2 cheap if compare to Miri..sigh! i told you guys earlier, i am not a shopaholic but when I stepped into Sungei Wang, a very BAD TEMPTATION was suddenly popped-up, calling me and forcing me to buy all the things as many as i could. it wasn't NORMAL to me!!! waaahhh!! so gila! gila! mati owwhh...!! at last, i spent RM189.90 only for a night (2nd April, 2010).like Amy Search always said "berbaloi-baloi"..2 thumbs up! ekekeke.. So do Tini and her sister..they bought a lot of things for each others too. :D am happy to see both of them were really enjoyed the day. "SO do I" Christian Ronaldo WORDS...hahaha :D

7 (pm) something, alomost 8pm and we were still at Bukit Bintang. Papa still in the office, got tones of works need to be settled and he supposed to go back to kampung the next day (Terengganu). However, he cancelled it due to the workloads and coincidently, I was there in KL - both of us got a lot of things to chit-chat with... :D Papa sent me an sms asking me where were we, our location and telling me not to go elsewhere far from Bukit Bintang. No, we didn't go elsewhere. We took a picture at the Simpang 4. Then i saw Agora Hotel..(frustrated came in mind). If i make a booked earlier on, maybe we will be able to make a stay at that hotel. Very close to everything..Pavillion, Lot 1o and etc. sigh! should i say SHIT at that SOMEONE...nah...let it be past..not our REZEKI maybe..Not a big problem at all..Then, we took a monorail back to Chow Kit. The cost is RM1.60 per trip. hahaha :D I felt so tired especially my back and my feet. I was damn hungry too. I didn't put anything yet into my stomach since the touched-down. Next to the monorail station, there was a restaurant called Nasi Kandar belonging to mamak lah..for sure lah kan.. I never tried nasi kandar and it was like..aaahh.."not my taste" AT ALL.. maybe because of the foods already warm and cold..since morning kot?? be honest, i was really2 starving that night and i ordered nasi campur. I asked the waiter "sup ada kah?" and he replied me with this "hah...tarak ada.." with a very BLUR and LOST look on his face.. don't tell me he didn't know what i was asking for.. SOUP! badly need SOUP at that time. to get back my lost energy and recover the body pain. my back pain! huhuhu :( but you wanna know what, eventhough we were tired, very2 tired, we still can put a smile on our face. means, we enjoyed the day and there was nothing can stop us to enjoy our life, being together making us feels like family and beloved (by each others). Thats what FRIENDS are for.. nggeeee :D after dinner, we planned to just have a rest back to our hotel (because i gonna have another DATE with papa @ 12midnight :p)..we dropped by at 7 eleven store and grabbed few things for supplement..


everybody was like " eh ds sampey bilit"..fuuhhh...being outside for almost 4 hours..very short time but it's really2 brought us to the BODY PAIN especially our hell laa penat nya tek..ekekeke :D then, every one of us took a shower and cleaned ourself. after the shower, i get myself dressed up in front of the siblings..hahaha :D both of them kinda like malu2 eventhough we all sama2 GIRLS kan..ekekkee..i just wore my t-shirt and my panthy..ahaakkss ('',) but am sure that Tini already get used to it because i ever stayed at her home before..kan Cyg kan? kan? kan? ...owh..Tini just nodded her head..hehehe ;p so that was it. we relaxed, we had our drinks & snacks in our room. We talked about our day, our journey from Miri/Sibu/Kuching to KL. 3 of us came from different places/way. Me myself from Miri to KL, Tini from Sibu to KL and Rina was from Kuching to KL. we met up at the LCCT..isn't that great?? i sent sms to papa to ask him, he pick me up or not. He replied me and told me that he was still in the middle of discussion at his friend's house. after few hours am feeling sleepy..till at about 12 (midnite) something, i heard my phone ringing, it wan an sms from Papa, waiting me downstairs. owh..then i get prepared myself and make a move to see him. It was a very2 flowery2 inside my heart, can see the flawless on my face.. :D how i missed him so damn very much...only now we got the chance to meet up with each other..

i went downstairs and looked for his car. Previously, he used something like MPV. But then, i didn't see any. Plus, it was midnight and so dark (not that really "so" lampu jalan maa..) hahha :p. owh..then i saw someone was waving hand at the other side (across the road). It was him, Papa.. hahaha.. with his t-shirt and short pant. kekekkee ;p AND...with his new CAR too. he was driving a 4WD TRITON. Kinda new car..still.. but its kinda weird to drive a 4WD in KL. Because its hardly to see that type of car moving on the KL streets/highways. ahahahhaa :D i felt much more secure and safer in that 4WD. with the damn traffic and bad driving attitude, making me sick and i never stop step on the floor (ala2 tekan break lah tek..) thats what am trying to say..faham2 lah kan..failed my English subject! hahahaha :D me and papa didn't know where to go so we two just pusing2 and then stopped at one spot somewhere close to the STAR HILL ;p. for a cup of coffee and teh tarik. it was about 2 a.m that time when we were having our drinks. Then, we both started to talk about ourselves, asking each other about hows life and etc. I was so happy to see him sitting in front of me. macam mimpi jak bila dah jumpa. hahaha :D lastly, he asked me about our plan (me n my 2 girlfriends) for tomorrow. he offered himself to drive us anywhere we wanted to go (i didn't ask, but i m surely, HE matter what, whenever I m there, he will always there as my guardian..).. Papa never changed.. Not even ONCE..He still like what he was before..Thanks to Allah. we met up again.

- to be continued in Part 3 -

Friday, April 23, 2010

lets talk about KeY EeL (Kuala Lumpur) - Part 1 :D

ok.. i went to KL on the 2nd of April and came back on the 6th. to start.. I will never ever stop thinking about that trip. Why? Coz i went there with these 2 pretty ladies and they were siblings, Tini (My Cayang) and her sister, Rina (so la sama kepalak ngan saya..hahaha)..

wanna know what? everything was unplanned. where that, at first, one of our friend (in Shah Alam) suppose to pick us at the LCCT. But.....(i skip this part!)...I actually got no worries about being in KL. Reason? Coz i got my Papa there.. Who is Papa?? nahh....again...skip to the next sentence...IGNORE this... So, it was Friday on the day we arrived KL. When i was still waiting for my flight at Miri airport Papa texting me just to make sure that i will make my way to the hotel once touch-down (LCCT). He couldn't make it this time (to pick us) due to this tight schedule etc. But, I got no problem at all. I understand very much. Not like my previous trip, Papa will pick me up and sent me directly to the hotel/airport. So, we picked up a bus (Skybus) and stopped at the KL Sentral. and from KL sentral, we took a cab and it cost us RM20 from KL sentral to Jalan Raja Muda (to Hotel Putra Muda). It was fun along the way to the hotel. aaannnddddd, due to the damn bad traffic and bad driving attitude (of KL drivers)we were nearly bump-into an accident. Wah! to any of KL readers, sorry to say this, KL DRIVERS were so ()&)^#^*(@%(%@(%#...but..the uncle said "ini KL aah..kalo driving aah..tangan mesti cepat, kaki mesti cepat...bla..bla...bla..." and then uncle was saying that he got a feeling like he was driving in the circuit (coz it was Formula One event in KL during my trip). So, 3 of us was like "waahh..hahhhh?.." then all of us laughing at him (uncle-taxi driver)..he was so kind and very friendly too. :D

then....we reached at our hotel. What to was completely COMFORTABLE and reasonable (within the Chow Kit Road area). I have never been here before...hahaha :D I saw a monorail station, taxi, buses here and there..just nearby our hotel. Thanks to Papa for the arrangement made (for the hotel). While he was working in the office, 3 of us stayed in the hotel for a while after the "runaway" from LCCT-KL Sentral-Hotel. it took us almost 2 hours. Raining outside when we were having our little sweet relaxing time in our room. Then, we started to clean up ourselves and get fresh! We went out at almost 5 pm and walked all the way at the Chow Kit market. We saw a lot of cheap2 things along the street with the very very very damn cheap prices!!! Honestly, I don't really into shop-ing all of sudden, i was like "kacak ehh..murah ehh..mok tok..mok ya.." adooiiyyaaa!!!!! not good! not good! and also, a little frustration when i think about my salary which haven't been cleared yet at that time...

-to be continued -

hari ini hari jumaat

salam..chewah..jumaat tek nak..

ari tok lidah ku aku kakar sawak jak..basa jiwa bangsa tek nak? ekekeke :D ari tok ku k baju kurong IJO..aah..awal ku turun keja tek..terpusin2 jak carik cimb bank nak bank in duit ngan my friend kat sibu.. ermm...sejuk2 jak asa driving awal pagi mcm ya.. segar nang segar tapi bila pey opis, ngantok pulang.

ermm..apa nak d polah ari tok. aku blur kotan byk gilak nak d polah..marek pun keja da settled sampey terbalit ku gugok dari rack 3 tingkat..siot! hurm..bok jak mek duak sahrail nak benjen kan sigek opis tek, check2 gaji da masok kata widra n bro..aduhai..sik jadilah...hahaha

lawak na d dikenang olahn aku mpun n kawan2 koh..cali2 eh kata org Miri...lawak eh kata org kuching. baru2 tok tek ada kwn dari kecik sama sekul bok contact balit.. Andy kudis 20 sen ya..hahaha :D thanks god..jumpa balit cuma lom bertemu gik lah.

aahh...kepak naip...boring da men facebook..duhal agik aktif blog tok..ekekekeke D