Friday, July 9, 2010

SOMEONE is PEEPS on ME!! pick a boo!! pity...


today is SATURDAY @ 10/07/2010. After this, me, fred and sahrail will make a move to PARKSON for PREDATOR movie..yaayy!!! i can say that we are the 3 STOOGES and there, bfast or lunch..hahaha ('',)-o it's nice to have this kind of friendship..makes me feel happy and really my life...Thanks GOD i found them ...

oh ya..i just would like to write about people who is never ever giving up on me, keep on investigating me, peeping on my life..haiisshh (''-_-)...i never thought that after that tragedy, i becoming so WELL KNOWN and FAMOUS..hahahaha :)

i just get to know from my friends that SOMEONE always surfed on this SUGAR & SALT blog. i wonder WHY? this is my blog, and it's up to me to write this and that..isn't??? huh...please that SOMEONE, please stop being CHILDISH ok? just live your life as it is NOW. I remember one day, you and me communicated thru the SMS. I gave you my full RESPECT and by all means tried not to hurt your feeling. And you to me at that time, was a very good person, talked nicely and gave advise (eventhough it wasn't my was HIM..). But am totally WRONG about you. coz at my back, keep on talking about bad thing, about me.. what you get?

i heard you said, i was asking and looking, begging for others sympathy for what i ve gone through. aahh..when i heard that, it makes me LAUGH..because, it wasn't ME but it is YOU YOUR GOODSELF. talking at my back, MAKE UP stories and keep on repeating the same old stories to your friends, relatives etc. so tell me now, who is the one? begging/looking for people's sympathy?? still never have any TRUSTWORTHY-CONFIDENT to him, to your self especially. after that particular month and year, to date 10/07/2010, i never ever got any INTENTION to kacau or try to do the COME BACK into his life ever ever ever and ever again..NEVER!. shit! what for? i got a better life now..happy with my friends and family

SO, all i wanted you to do is to STAY AWAY from my life as like what am doing now..and actually it is for a very long time already, I DID IT.. to YOU, i am a BITCH - to me, you are still a lady - a HUMAN BEING made by GOD- Allah SWT. we are the SAME. bare in your mind...  Whatever past, i let it be my past, and to whatever things happen after that, I just say a little prayer and live it to GOD to deal with it. Insyaallah..amin..

BE FAIR... dun let me PLAY THE GAME - for ONE MORE TIME...

hahhaa....i can't write anything now..but it is so funny when i just get to know that SOMEONE is keep on INVESTIGATING life my everything...()&*)(&)#%^(@*%(%(!!

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