Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~ In LOVING Memories - My HuCkleBeRrY BoO ~

You see this story starts over a year ago. Well will soon be 2 years ago. I had meet this man. Well to me this man was perfect. But then when one loves someone that seems to be the case doesn't it. Well you see in the begining thing were great other than he was over (486 km) miles away. So seeing each other than by a plane ride wasn't really going to work. Well things went along for a while all fine and dandy. Till suddenly he started to change. Not sure, was it me or him. My life totally MISERABLE when he wasn't here with me. I always wanted him to know that, HOW MUCH I NEED HIM by my side. Well, i wasn't a demanded GF and actually he was considered as a very lucky BF to have me. Why did i said that? Because, all this while i kept this feeling of loneliness to myself, just because i don't want to make him feels like being FORCE or PUSH too hard in this relationship. However, i saw that he never ever wanted to learn about LOVE LIFE, and not even tried to understand my feeling (so hard to hear him saying I LOVE YOU - I MISS YOU).. Arrghh!!!! Then, it happened about a week ago, he CONFIRMED me with one thing ---> BREAK-OFF. I sent him an email to discuss about this and that time i was so upset. I wrote everything and asking for the break-off he thinks that he can't go on with this relationship anymore.Well not taking any notice. I let things go. Well i figure he had cold feet. So i let it go. decided to see where thing went wrong from there. They went down hill big time...
and NOW - TODAY, we are OVER with this relationship. To be honest with him, me myself, there is no BIG MATTER about this break-off between us. He was a very good guy to me. He was really2 mature but he wasn't a a lover (as of yet). He admit that for so long. He didn't know about how was it being in love and to treat his GF (me).. :D whatever it is, our decision is for our goods and future. We still friends and hope still keep in touch as like before.. Insyaallah, we both pray for each other and if there is a faith, destiny, if we are really MEANT to be with each other, the time will come and it will show us.. Amin..

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