Monday, April 26, 2010

KeY EeL (Kuala Lumpur) Part 3, i am in a rush to complete and to finish this writing (about my trip to KL)..ermm..i just got an idea..How about, i just write it in point.. to where we went to..ok? :D

Then here it goes......

3/04/2010 (Saturday)

- we had our breakfast somewhere near to the hotel. at the back side of the hotel with Papa.
- next destination: Bandar Sunway (Sunway Shopping Mall) we didn't make it to the Lagoon (as like our first plan) because we didn't prepare anything for it such as spare cloth, towel, we just took a photo and went shopping..:p i bought t-shirts for my brothers (kroll, acer & a'an). NONE for me myself. 3 of us went separately. Tini and Rina while i am with Papa. After i had done with mine, Papa called up and i met him somewhere downstairs. then, we both went for drink at the "Dessert" i think. :D Supposed to go for bowling but then, papa got meeting with his contractor at 4pm. then at about 3.30 pm, we all make a move to Damansara.

- next station: One Utama
Papa dropped us at the One Utama shopping mall and he went to meet up his friend. I was so
amazed once i reached One Utama. To see such a lot of shopping mall in KL. Not only a LOT but
also bigger compare to what we had in Miri or Kuching. How i wish am KL citizen when i was
firstly born to earth.. :( hahahaha..
so, three of us again go pusing2 keliling and shoping-ing..hahaha :D snap here and there :D.

- at about 8 something (pm), we went back to the hotel and tired.

- later after that, i went out and stayed at my friend's house, Ms. Lydia (ejal's girlfriend)..wakakaka

4/04/2010 (Sunday)

- at almost 11 a.m., get a monorail to Bukit bintang and we looked for any of Malay stall nearby (for breakfast)Sungei Wang. Chow Kit area cuma ada mamak stall je babe..tak larat aku..huhuhu :( We couldn't find one, lastly, we just had our breakfast at KFC (so boorringggg!!!). what to do kan? da lapar tahap gila pagi ya.. After breakfast, we jalan2 again kat Sungei Wang and suddenly Papa called and he wanted to go for makan coz da kebulur juak..hehehe :D. 3 of us went down and waited for Papa to pick us for another makan2.. hahahaa :D in mind, i da pasang angan2 nak mkn sup panas2..wahh! few minutes after that, Papa arrived and we had our so called "breakfast" (maka bok jak breakfast)at Medan Jaya. I came here before, i can still remember this place. I got myself some sambal, and especially BUDU! sooodaaaapppp!!!!! and also got soup on my table.. HOT sopu! yummy2..Full stomach was feeling like blotted..thanks God i dpt juak mkn sup. thanks to Papa coz tolong order sup..ngeeee :D.

- now going to Robinson/Mid Valley
nothing much here. We separated our way in couples. I went to the Pets Wonderland and i saw a kitten, cats, hamster, fishes etc.. I found NEMO..hahaha :D clown fish, Tini sakai la me..i thought it was just a fish in a movie and it's not EXIST. stupid mind!!
me and papa thought of having 3D movie at Mid Valley. Clash of the Titans. UNFORTUNATELY!! bukan2 jak QUE..dari Miri pey Bintulu jak..wakakakaka :D we changed the plan and i tarik papa to Cosmic Bowl. yeeeeaaahhh!!!! luckily, got bowling alley. After sososo long time, now the time has come. Bowling with Papa. He is a PRO geng! ;p i bought for 2 games and I won the 2nd game. hahaha ;p. then, sempat juak both of us sat for a 3D movie (organised by SONY) and experienced the 3D show for 15 minutes. So funny, papa was so BISING during the show, can only hear his voice..hahaha :D

- Nak mkn steamboat? But Tini and Rina refused to join because of too tired and plus, they both already bought sushi (tapau). At first, I was feeling like, i don't wanna go either, but then, i pegi juak lah coz teringin nak try steamboat KL. :D So, we both stopped at Restoran Kampung Nelayan (my 2nd time already) and we ate steamboat tomyam (prawn, cuttlefish, vege)...gila soodaappp eh! kenyang rasa nak kojol (bak kata papa)..hahaha.. BERBVALOi-BALOI!!! ;p peewwiitttttt...done with the dinner, papa sent me back to hotel because esok kije woiiit..hahaha :)

5/04/2010 (monday)

- we woke up so early that morning. a little chit chat and then we get prepared ourselves for another day (terjah & beli belah). 10 a.m we knocked-off from our room and again, make the very first way to Bukit Bintang. we used to make it as our spot of ORIGIN before we wanna go elewhere. at the monorail station, every each day (while we were day) we never ever missed look at the MAP, our MASTERPIECE and reference to our ways in KL.

- LOT 10
still lengang and sunyi, plus it was weekday and Monday again. BLUE MONDAY! hahaha :D 3 of us moved around the mall and went down-floor. We hbreakfast @ Little Wok. I had my Nasi Goreng Kampung ala Thai and Kiwi juice. Delicious! yummy2... :D Tini & Rina had their dishes served in a mini cute! :D omg! I saw Anuar Zain...aargghjhh..! aarghh! handsome!..hahaha (not his Fan actually)..but i still wanna have pic with him (his poster laa... wakakaka)..i managed to get one taken by Rina..tqtqtqtqtq..muaahh Rina :p and we took a few photos inside the Lot 1o. then, we off to BB PLaza. Tini bought few souvenirs for his friends and family, Rina was looking for herself and I got a new legging for me myself. Also, I bought a keychain for my mom and a necklace. I saw Tini bought something like pearl and then, both of them get themselves a bracelet (they're like twin, so they bought the same pattern bracelet..sweet isn't??) Ya lah...duak beradik tok stay jauh2 bah..bok jak nemu masa d KL..happy coz i can get them together in this trip..yaayyyy!!!

after BB plaza, we went to PAVILLION. I have never evern been there yet..2 years i didn't make a visit to KL. we walked all the way from BB PLaza to get to Pavillion (but...we walked at the WRONG way)..hahaha :D thanks God we met with one of the bell boy and he with happily showed us the direction and way to Pavillion. then we make a "U" Turn..kuang! kuang! kuang!! so hot that day! so damn hot! and I meant it HOT!!!! i felt so exhausted and thirsty like hell..jalan2 and jalan2 again till Rina asked one girl at the street and she was said like "tu ha...kat depan tu je Pavillion.." laa...pulak!!! just in front of us!! we can see it "waving and welcoming" us...laughing me..hahahaha :D yaahh! sampai sudah..PAVILLION..snappy2 here and there. last2, coz of too tired walking, we sat out butt at the Pan Cake house.. we had our pan cakes..nice! yummy! ;p 5 thumbs up!! woh? 5? ekekkke.. we bought nothing at Pavillion coz i found nothing that catchy to my eyes over that side. Few photos taken at Pavillion and we moved to Low Yatt Plaza. NOTHING THERE AS WELL.

- next station: KLCC
from Bukit Bintang station, we went to Bukit Nanas. And from Bukit Nanas, we took LRT Kelana Jaya to KLCC. we walked till Dang Wangi station and bought ticket from the machine (on the wall). it cost us RM1.30 per pax. At first, i was so confused to see people faces looked so masam2 and everybody was like in hurry to get to the LRT que. then, tini said " baruk balit dari keja sis.." naahhh!!!! no wonder! we were on our annual leaves..thats why we were smiling but those KL peoples so sour the faces wwoohh..pity! pity!..ekekeke..we get in QUE and waited for our chances to get fit into the LRT. lot of peoples using LRT. haiiyahh...we can only get our chance at the 4th stop (i think). Once we were in and the LRT was ready to go-off to KLCC and i was shocked to see it movement from the back of the LRT window...and i said "...woohh..giler laju bende niee..." sakai me! in few minutes or maybe SECONDS, we reached our destination, KLCC and we make it to Suria KLCC garden right away. At the garden, in fron of the lake, under the trees, we saw a lot of peoples having their sweet relaxing time, jogging and taking photos of the Malaysia most glamorous LANDMARK - Petronas KLCC the Twin Tower building. am proud being Malaysian. We also like the others too..took some few photos and for sure the photo of the Twin Tower. So tall laaa wa cakap well organised the compound..very clean and tidy.. :D mcm2 jak karenah...

- tbc in Last part -

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