Friday, April 23, 2010

lets talk about KeY EeL (Kuala Lumpur) - Part 1 :D

ok.. i went to KL on the 2nd of April and came back on the 6th. to start.. I will never ever stop thinking about that trip. Why? Coz i went there with these 2 pretty ladies and they were siblings, Tini (My Cayang) and her sister, Rina (so la sama kepalak ngan saya..hahaha)..

wanna know what? everything was unplanned. where that, at first, one of our friend (in Shah Alam) suppose to pick us at the LCCT. But.....(i skip this part!)...I actually got no worries about being in KL. Reason? Coz i got my Papa there.. Who is Papa?? nahh....again...skip to the next sentence...IGNORE this... So, it was Friday on the day we arrived KL. When i was still waiting for my flight at Miri airport Papa texting me just to make sure that i will make my way to the hotel once touch-down (LCCT). He couldn't make it this time (to pick us) due to this tight schedule etc. But, I got no problem at all. I understand very much. Not like my previous trip, Papa will pick me up and sent me directly to the hotel/airport. So, we picked up a bus (Skybus) and stopped at the KL Sentral. and from KL sentral, we took a cab and it cost us RM20 from KL sentral to Jalan Raja Muda (to Hotel Putra Muda). It was fun along the way to the hotel. aaannnddddd, due to the damn bad traffic and bad driving attitude (of KL drivers)we were nearly bump-into an accident. Wah! to any of KL readers, sorry to say this, KL DRIVERS were so ()&)^#^*(@%(%@(%#...but..the uncle said "ini KL aah..kalo driving aah..tangan mesti cepat, kaki mesti cepat...bla..bla...bla..." and then uncle was saying that he got a feeling like he was driving in the circuit (coz it was Formula One event in KL during my trip). So, 3 of us was like "waahh..hahhhh?.." then all of us laughing at him (uncle-taxi driver)..he was so kind and very friendly too. :D

then....we reached at our hotel. What to was completely COMFORTABLE and reasonable (within the Chow Kit Road area). I have never been here before...hahaha :D I saw a monorail station, taxi, buses here and there..just nearby our hotel. Thanks to Papa for the arrangement made (for the hotel). While he was working in the office, 3 of us stayed in the hotel for a while after the "runaway" from LCCT-KL Sentral-Hotel. it took us almost 2 hours. Raining outside when we were having our little sweet relaxing time in our room. Then, we started to clean up ourselves and get fresh! We went out at almost 5 pm and walked all the way at the Chow Kit market. We saw a lot of cheap2 things along the street with the very very very damn cheap prices!!! Honestly, I don't really into shop-ing all of sudden, i was like "kacak ehh..murah ehh..mok tok..mok ya.." adooiiyyaaa!!!!! not good! not good! and also, a little frustration when i think about my salary which haven't been cleared yet at that time...

-to be continued -

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