Saturday, April 24, 2010

KeY Eel (Kuala Lumpur) Part 2

morning2....i just stepped into the office at about 15 minutes ago.. wah! for 2 weeks time, i came to work so early than time (8.30 a.m suppose to be).

ok..we were we yesterday? ermm..owh..Chow Kit right? I was wearing my jeans and a very2 "sempoi" baby-T ;p. hahahaa :D coz i thought that we might just hanging out around Chow Kit area. Me and Rina saw the KL landmark (where people always wanted to be whenever they come to KL).. It's the KLCC Petronas Twin Tower. Hahaha :D in my mind, i was thinking of taking our photo at the Suria KLCC Garden. I went there several times already. But i never ever get bored of that place. Staring at the twin tower, make me thinks a lot..hahahaha :D So, back to the story. Tini was left behind, walking slowly with her Canon DSLR (wish i own one like her..huhu) and took some great view photos till she bumped into this one weird guy and asking her this "tak nak ambik gambar saye ke?" "friendly" lah KL people.. Me & Rina just moved on further in front leads to KLCC (hoping that we will make it our way there) :( BUUTTT!!!!!! WE COULDN'T!! wanna know why?? hehehee... because it was too far actually from Chow Kit. after the long walk (yang terlalu sia2 and wasting time) we make a "U" turn to our hotel..ekekekeke :D we can only laughed at each other. can u imagine - walk all the way from Chow Kit to KLCC??? We suppose to get LRT to get there...hahahaha :D silly me!!! nasib sik sesat!

it's really2 tiring me. am afraid that these two sisters will make complaint or mumbling at me. But, they NEVER DID..makes me happy being with them.. happy2 a lot till i don't know what best word to describe my feeling at that time. BEING WITH MY GIRLFRIENDS.. looked at my watch and it was 6 (pm) something. we discussed among each other about our next spot. Then Rina was like having something in mind, she saw a monorail station, then came out with an idea to just go to BUKIT BINTANG and have a walk/window shopping there. and we would like to experience night life at Bukit Bintang. I used to the monorail and i got no problem with that as long as the spot is Bukit Bintang, i am very2 familiar with the area. EXPERIENCE is KNOWLEDGE..hahaha :D We stopped at Bukit Bintang and went to Sungei Wang plaza for that evening. At first, 3 of us thought of window shopping at first because we just arrived and still got few days here to catch-up with KL. jeng! jeng! jenggg!!!! It's like HEAVEN there..Sungei Wang i meant. where all the good stuff like watches, souvenirs, dresses, blouses, handbags etc were sold at the very2 reasonable and can say very2 cheap if compare to Miri..sigh! i told you guys earlier, i am not a shopaholic but when I stepped into Sungei Wang, a very BAD TEMPTATION was suddenly popped-up, calling me and forcing me to buy all the things as many as i could. it wasn't NORMAL to me!!! waaahhh!! so gila! gila! mati owwhh...!! at last, i spent RM189.90 only for a night (2nd April, 2010).like Amy Search always said "berbaloi-baloi"..2 thumbs up! ekekeke.. So do Tini and her sister..they bought a lot of things for each others too. :D am happy to see both of them were really enjoyed the day. "SO do I" Christian Ronaldo WORDS...hahaha :D

7 (pm) something, alomost 8pm and we were still at Bukit Bintang. Papa still in the office, got tones of works need to be settled and he supposed to go back to kampung the next day (Terengganu). However, he cancelled it due to the workloads and coincidently, I was there in KL - both of us got a lot of things to chit-chat with... :D Papa sent me an sms asking me where were we, our location and telling me not to go elsewhere far from Bukit Bintang. No, we didn't go elsewhere. We took a picture at the Simpang 4. Then i saw Agora Hotel..(frustrated came in mind). If i make a booked earlier on, maybe we will be able to make a stay at that hotel. Very close to everything..Pavillion, Lot 1o and etc. sigh! should i say SHIT at that SOMEONE...nah...let it be past..not our REZEKI maybe..Not a big problem at all..Then, we took a monorail back to Chow Kit. The cost is RM1.60 per trip. hahaha :D I felt so tired especially my back and my feet. I was damn hungry too. I didn't put anything yet into my stomach since the touched-down. Next to the monorail station, there was a restaurant called Nasi Kandar belonging to mamak lah..for sure lah kan.. I never tried nasi kandar and it was like..aaahh.."not my taste" AT ALL.. maybe because of the foods already warm and cold..since morning kot?? be honest, i was really2 starving that night and i ordered nasi campur. I asked the waiter "sup ada kah?" and he replied me with this "hah...tarak ada.." with a very BLUR and LOST look on his face.. don't tell me he didn't know what i was asking for.. SOUP! badly need SOUP at that time. to get back my lost energy and recover the body pain. my back pain! huhuhu :( but you wanna know what, eventhough we were tired, very2 tired, we still can put a smile on our face. means, we enjoyed the day and there was nothing can stop us to enjoy our life, being together making us feels like family and beloved (by each others). Thats what FRIENDS are for.. nggeeee :D after dinner, we planned to just have a rest back to our hotel (because i gonna have another DATE with papa @ 12midnight :p)..we dropped by at 7 eleven store and grabbed few things for supplement..


everybody was like " eh ds sampey bilit"..fuuhhh...being outside for almost 4 hours..very short time but it's really2 brought us to the BODY PAIN especially our hell laa penat nya tek..ekekeke :D then, every one of us took a shower and cleaned ourself. after the shower, i get myself dressed up in front of the siblings..hahaha :D both of them kinda like malu2 eventhough we all sama2 GIRLS kan..ekekkee..i just wore my t-shirt and my panthy..ahaakkss ('',) but am sure that Tini already get used to it because i ever stayed at her home before..kan Cyg kan? kan? kan? ...owh..Tini just nodded her head..hehehe ;p so that was it. we relaxed, we had our drinks & snacks in our room. We talked about our day, our journey from Miri/Sibu/Kuching to KL. 3 of us came from different places/way. Me myself from Miri to KL, Tini from Sibu to KL and Rina was from Kuching to KL. we met up at the LCCT..isn't that great?? i sent sms to papa to ask him, he pick me up or not. He replied me and told me that he was still in the middle of discussion at his friend's house. after few hours am feeling sleepy..till at about 12 (midnite) something, i heard my phone ringing, it wan an sms from Papa, waiting me downstairs. owh..then i get prepared myself and make a move to see him. It was a very2 flowery2 inside my heart, can see the flawless on my face.. :D how i missed him so damn very much...only now we got the chance to meet up with each other..

i went downstairs and looked for his car. Previously, he used something like MPV. But then, i didn't see any. Plus, it was midnight and so dark (not that really "so" lampu jalan maa..) hahha :p. owh..then i saw someone was waving hand at the other side (across the road). It was him, Papa.. hahaha.. with his t-shirt and short pant. kekekkee ;p AND...with his new CAR too. he was driving a 4WD TRITON. Kinda new car..still.. but its kinda weird to drive a 4WD in KL. Because its hardly to see that type of car moving on the KL streets/highways. ahahahhaa :D i felt much more secure and safer in that 4WD. with the damn traffic and bad driving attitude, making me sick and i never stop step on the floor (ala2 tekan break lah tek..) thats what am trying to say..faham2 lah kan..failed my English subject! hahahaha :D me and papa didn't know where to go so we two just pusing2 and then stopped at one spot somewhere close to the STAR HILL ;p. for a cup of coffee and teh tarik. it was about 2 a.m that time when we were having our drinks. Then, we both started to talk about ourselves, asking each other about hows life and etc. I was so happy to see him sitting in front of me. macam mimpi jak bila dah jumpa. hahaha :D lastly, he asked me about our plan (me n my 2 girlfriends) for tomorrow. he offered himself to drive us anywhere we wanted to go (i didn't ask, but i m surely, HE matter what, whenever I m there, he will always there as my guardian..).. Papa never changed.. Not even ONCE..He still like what he was before..Thanks to Allah. we met up again.

- to be continued in Part 3 -

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