Thursday, October 28, 2010

i crushed on my DIET today!!!! wtf!!!huhuhu

im back...but with NOT GOOD story of what just happened (during my lunch hour)..

I went to the nearby restaurant, Awang Mahyan (a place like no otrhers..hahha)..where we used to have our breakfast n lunch on our weekdays. Nothing special and everyday we rotate our menu...BUT STILL >it's the same menu---> Nasi Ayam, Lalapan, Mee Kolek, Mee Goreng and etc.

This morning i took a bowl of oatmeal (5 tbspn) and a cup of hot coffee. So, at about 12.45pm, i was thinking of having SOUPY SOUP (vege or tomyam seafood) for lunch. Unlucky me, they just have it only for the evening menu. (''-_-) sigh... So, i asked for BAKSO (no more!) then i asked for NASI AYAM (also no more!!)..haiiyaaahh! then i ordered Fried Kuew Teaw with Lime Juice and it was FINISHED (empty clean tidy plate left)..with spoon & fork on d table.. OMG!!!!!!!!!! i crushed on my diet RULES!!!..huhuhuhu :(

Not only that, when me and my collegue was invited by Kelvin for an ice-cream (@ Parkson).. oh my gosh!!!!!! again..i took an ice-cream McD Mc Flurry Chocolate Flavour.. stupid! stupid! stupid! i tasted it for just few spoon. Then the rest, i brought it back to the office and passed it to one of my trainee.. I don't eat Choc because it can caused FAT and it is too sweet to me (not good for my teeth).. ngeeeee :D

Now, i wanna go to the kitchen and make a cup of tea(plain without sugar) for myself..

(i promise to myself - i will do my very best to keep fit & target is 55kg..amin)



  1. ngee :D last month kmk 71kg nekleehan...ngutik asa mek aihh..huhu..ya tgh struggle tok... :(
