Friday, June 4, 2010

Having Chest Pain

(''-.-) huh...(sigh).. i am so tired of having this painful chest (hard to breathe). Almost 2 and a half weeks already and it's getting worst especially when the night comes. Every midnight i will be having some sort of like "asthma" symptom which makes my breathing tube feels like "busted" from my chest. I will sit down, try to keep my body/back straight on the couch for easy breathing. In mind, i keep on asking myself, what is actually happening to me recently (sigh). I still remember, last week I was too tired and exhausted (because we were moving in to our new office - a lot of things wasn't completed by the contractor, renovation works, painting the wall, air-cond installation etc). The dust was here and there - filled the office spaces with no AIR/OXYGEN at all for us to breathe. Plus, due to Gawai celebration (1st June) mood, the contractors seems to do things like so "cincai" and "kelam-kabut". My chest pain was feeling so terrible till one time my throat and heart felt like bloted, it caused a very damn huge blood vomit (for 3 days in a row) in the office. However, i didn't tell anybody about this (especially my family).

Lastly, every time before my sleep and whenever i open my eyes in the morning, the very first thing to do is to say a little prayer, praise to Allah the Almighty to keep me myself in a good shape of health and please to keep this pain away from me. I am so afraid of this pain ever since i noticed that it can cause me death - sometimes am not be able to breathe smoothly/get stuck (feeling like i am a working corpse on the earth)...


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