Monday, May 3, 2010

Tada!!!!! Cup Cakes - hand made by Me & my youngest brother - A'an.. :D

morning2 all.. today is Monday and people usually called it as BLUE Monday.. i arrived my office at about 7:35 a.m today. don't know what leads me earlier nowadays. I wonder why..But am happy because i always BE PUNCTUAL..hahaha like the BLOG title as the above-mentioned..please to introduce you our hand made Cup Cakes..wakakaka :D

Yesterday me and my younger brother Aan made a cup cakes for ourself..for suka2 bah..thats why the Cup Cakes not really look TIDY and well DECORATED..hahaha :D we were just simply put on the icing and sugar bits on the surface.. My mom bising2 at two of us because we din't do it properly. 

so....this is it....enjoy it yah!!... nest time both of us will bake another cup cake again...this time will be much proper and sweet..(BUT..LESS SUGAR yaa...) :D


  1. alongg,kmk mok blaja molah cup cakes bha..bleh mtk recipe?hehehe..


  2. aaiih2...along pun bok blaja juak ya syg...ya pun along polah time along boring2 ria..cuti..along ambik recipe ya pun kat internet :D wakakaka :P kak ya, along mbak aan polah decor nya..cali da jak! ekekeke :D

  3. haha!duhall..pkey along dah pro molah cupcake.kmk tnyk aan gney molah cupcake.nya suroh tnyk along.huhu.

  4. :Dyah2..sik la PRO gilak..gik nak molah juak lak..kali tok along mok plh size kecik kit..sak CUTE..mok DECOR cute2..ekekee :D mun SEDAP, lak bik ngan Taty..nguahahaha :D

  5. huahaha..xbleh jd tok..kmk mok blaja buat eyh,dah jumpa da recipe d internet..^^.eyy,genti sedap along molah yaa..haha..mun kmk dah PANDEY molah kmk bgik along juak.=p.p mun x nyaman boh bisin along k..hahaha

  6. thumbs up! gia la kita..rajin2 jak polah..jadi sik jadi, BANTEY jak!! :D lamak2 genti jadi bah..yosh! polah esok, anta g umah..lak along CUBA TRY TASTE - mun sik nayman, along anta balit..wakakaka :D zalim eh! :p
