Thursday, December 4, 2008


morning my lovely cute blog..

sorry coz i didn't write anything for the past few days.. not feeling well due to the very hot shinny day here in Miri. our air-cond in the office so damn lousy.. make me sweat!!! all over the whole day.. :(

i m on diet programme right now and to be honest and to be frank to you that i m very OBSESS to get back my figure. 48kg might be impossible coz it will not suite my size right now.. I m targeting and aiming for at least 50-55kg an ideal weight advised by the Marie France Body Line health adviser. I went there last week and get to know more details on the best and healthy way to reduce fat and get slimmer.

so far, i m doing dieting of my own (my style laa..).. i m taking a diet capsule and controlling my "Big EATER" habit. even though it is very hard to do, but now i m not gonna turn back matter what will happen, BY ALL MEANS i must moving forward to achieve my GOAL. Insyaallah..

I went to accompany my mum for shopping yesterday at the emart supermarket over at PermyJaya area. I saw a lot of fresh fruits and i bought some for my stock. I bought pineapple, honeydew and papaya (my favorite fruits..).. I ate 3 slices of pineapple last nite and then took 1 glass of low fat milk (Omega Plus). No RICE taken yesterday. some more, i also avoid myself to take caffeine and sugar. if i want to, i will make sure it will be less than before. No FRIED food as well (if possible laa...). starting next week, i will attend the dance class - 3 days in a week - 1 1/2 hr per session.. from 5.30pm to 7pm. hopefully, it will works on me.. kick my own butt if it is NOT!! :(

huh *sigh*..dun know what will happen to me after this.. i m not sure what is actually my NEEDS and WANTS - for me, myself and I.. i m blur.. dun know why i must do this to myself.. whats for? healthy? YES! i m healthy.. so what?? stupid reason..isshh...ishh...isshh... human never had enough!! too DEMANDING!!

so stu............. :( wish me luck...

NEW YEAR 2009 means:

1. New AGE (means: getting OLDER (27 yrs old), NO BOYFRINED (my love life so SUCK!!)and NO LIFE)..hope i will not commit suicide.. :P
2. New LOOK (means: face got "V" shape)no more "O: shape like now..DOUBLE CHIN! weekk!! :(
3. New FIGURE (means: new size for BRA, UNDERWEAR etc)looks SEXY in the SATIN TRANSPARENT LINGERIE.. ooouuccchhh! watch outt!! sexy-naught-bitchy (tata young)
4. New BODY (means: weight is 50-55kg , waist is 27-28)light and easy to carry to the bed.. hahahaha :> (devil laugh).



Monday, December 1, 2008

Home made 2 Layers Sandwich - nyumm! nyuumm!! :P

Special sandwich for my youngest brother (originally made by me own recipe). Weekend, as usual, is a day for me to be a cook at home. especially for my YOUNGEST BROTHER. 24/7 keja nya nak majoh ajak..issh..ishh..isshh... *sigh*

after he had his maggi mee curry, he asked me wether still got the fish fillet inside the freezer? and YES..another 2 more left. so, he told me to make him a sandwich which that he knew i will say "YES" to whatever his request. hahaha :P (im a good sister what??)...

1st layer:
2 toast bread
1 fried egg - fried it on the plate and make it square size (add it some ketchup and pepper)
Chili sauce + mayonnaise
vege (cucumber + tomato)

2nd layer:
1 toast bread
fried fish fillet
vege (cabbage + big onion)
Chili sauce + mayonnaise

errmm...very simple..but very delicious licking fingers.. hahaha :P i rated it by myself bah..can see it from the way he ate the burger... :P

Saturday, November 29, 2008

7717 vs 7447 : Kenari RS

See...instead of getting the Honda CR-V, this is my second option car (as for the starting lah).. Kenari.. but i m interested with the Kenari RS model. cute-sexy-hottie.. like ME! hehehe :P still do the calculation.. SAVING & BUDGETTING.. tension! if only it cost about hundred ringgit, for sure i already got 7 units inside my garage - with 7 various colors (each color will re-present 7 days in a week) - betul kah tok?? wahahaha :P

wish me luck ok? pray for me.. once i got this car (at least) i will bring u guys go round2 Miri..

P/S: Not till i get my driving license lah ya.. kihkihkih! kantoi!!

To all Danawa staff: Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa

Sebagai Rakyat Malaysia hendaklah kita memartabatkan Bahasa kita iaitu Bahasa Malaysia. Kita berbangga kerana masih ada rakyat Danawa yang berhati nusa bangsa memartabatkan Bahasa ibunda di dalam email beliau:

Email dihantar kepada saya:

Dear Cik Ema,

Kami d Sibu ingin memohon untuk mendapatkan 2 unit A0 untuk pemasangan link antara Sacofa Sibu dan ke Tanahmas Hotel Sibu.

Kerjasama anda adalah sangat sangat diharapkan.

Terima Kasih

Yang Benar

Team Leader Sibu

Email balasan kepada penghantar tersebut:

Ditujukan khas kepada, Encik Team Leader Sibu

Email anda adalah dirujuk.

Adalah sukacitanya saya memaklumkan bahawa permohonan tuan sedang dinilai oleh Encik Team Leader bahagian Miri. Pihak kami akan membuat semakan sekiranya stock A0 tersebut masih terdapat di dalam simpanan dan mencukupi untuk dibahagikan kepada pihak tuan.

Sekiranya tiada bantahan, halangan dan mendapat persetujuan/kelulusan daripada pihak beliau, pihak saya akan membuat penghantaran tersebut secepat yang mungkin kepada pihak tuan.

Kerjasama anda adalah sangat sangat diharapkan.

Terima Kasih

Yang Benar

Ema Jazema
Admin Exec

Red Chili Plaster : RM1.50 @ GK Supermarket

My dear Patcy..

As my promised to you.. Nah! this is it.. the veryvery and sososo MUJARABNESS "sticker".. ahahaha :P i was very tired for the past few days.. really got body ache me.. so, instead of getting the YOKO2, i went to the GK Supermarket and looked for TOKUSEN (koyok kata org tua).. then i saw something that really catchy to my eyes.. the RED CHILI PLASTER. Yahh!! itu dia!! gila suda sia nengok tu geng.. without any doubt any hesitation and with NO TURNING BACK - i straight away bought 2 packet for my GOODSELF.. NO sharing NO caring NO love making.. i was very STINGY last nite.. i get 1 pack and asked my brother to help me with it (put it on my back).. from top part to lower, almost my butt.. can not imagine lah sia if that sticker lekat to my butt.. maok kedak kerak kenak cabik kali.. huahuahua!! feelin so cold at my back for the first half (hour).. then!!! i was burning.. really felt like burning at my back..itchy somemore.. apuu!! parai ku waiii!! at last.. coz can not tahan anymore..i buang that "koyok" at last..stupidd!! wasting my money!

u want kah Pat? i sell to u RM1 only lah..another pack..

Azyet - Last Nite : enjoy!! erotic song.. hahaha :P

A song for my Boo.. Missed him so much laa.. :P can't wait to see him ody eh.. eventhough me myself still dun know when.. hehehe :P BUT! sooner or later, i will be there.. for Him.. my Boo.

U dun go away aah Boo.. i will go there..and u will be there 24/7 with me.. no matter what.. BY ALL MEANS!!! hehehee :P


Friday, November 28, 2008

wer r u??

i miss my Huckleberry.. :(

Song for a girl - BaBy TyLeR

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if u leave me
But I do do feel
That I do do will
Miss u much
Miss u much

I can see the first leafs falling
It's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feeling inside

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if u leave me
But I do do feel
That I do do will
Miss u much
Miss u much

Outside it's no raining
And tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen
Why did it all have to end

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if u leave me
But I do do feel
That I do do will
Miss u much
Miss u much

I have your arms around me
Warm like fire
But when I open my eyes......
Your gone

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if u leave me
But I do do feel
That I do do will
Miss u much
Miss u much

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing
If u leave me
But I do
Feel I will
Miss u much
miss u much

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Big Bro jiwang besi karat ehhhh!!! :P

week!!! nak muntah nyawa ku dalam tok.. bro dediacte song ngan aku.. mok tauk lagu pa?? Yabii!! mun ku da gerek pun kan, mun nya berik lagu tok ngan aku, NANGIS ku!!... bukan nangis TERHARU tapi nangis coz SAKIT TELINGA!! waarrgghh!!! jiwang lagu ya juak..dah la aku ngantok gila babi tok..babi gik sik gila macam tok (renah jak nya duduk dalam kandang ya)..isshh...isshh...Sadis! sadiss!! da la pewut mek akit tok :( huhuhu.. nak berak jak keja.. almaklum lah.. TEH KAMPUNG tek nak!! nak SLIMbah!! tetak torang ngan aku..sik hal! kelak ku kurus, NANGIS SIK BERLAGU torang.. wahahaahah :) (tetak setan lok)..apapun..ku terimak jak lah apa2 jak lagu diberik big bro.. aku faham bah kenak nya JIWANG BESI KARAT ari tok.. mok tauk?? Coz today is his ANNIVERSARY.. nya and his beautiful, cheeful, lovely and a very kind hearted wife - Patcy... and she's my best LADY!.. hehehe :P

owwh..maok tauk lagu pa tek? tok lagu nya ----------> My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion

Jiwang sikk?? isshh..ishh...sik sabar nak balit nya ya... heehehe (smug face)..

*apuu! merinsak waii! nya pasang lagu baru gik -----> Unbreak My Heart - Toni Braxton

aduuhh..aduuhh.... parai induk tok legik...


Rabbit & Cat : Can they be LOVER?? comment...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What is Nasi Lalapan : for My Bo0

What is Nasi Lalapan? Some say “Nasi Timbel” – mostly Indonesian. Apart from others, it is the unique dishes served. Unique in term of: the way it served and the dishes itself. Nasi lalapan is not Mirian’s food (it’s Indon’s typical food actually). I tend to write about this article when my Bo0 sent me a sms and was asking me “apa maksud lalapan?”. hehehe :P I was a little bit blur when to receive such question in the time my stomach was full with FOOD inside..

Originally, the rice is supposed to wrap with banana leaves to add more flavor to it. Other than that, it is just plain white rice. However, here in Miri, they just simply serve it on the plate (maybe somewhere in Miri practice this type of serving which that I might not know. Because as for me myself and the geng, we used to have it at Damai Restaurant whenever we want to have lalapan).Side dishes MUST include:

1. ayam goreng (fried chicken) – got empal (beef) and fish (tongkol, bawal etc) too
2. tahu goreng (fried tofu)
3. tempe (made of fermented soybean),
4. sambal terasi (Shrimp-paste chili sauce with tomato)
5. ikan asin (salty fish) and
6. lalapan/ulam (raw veggies – long bean, cabbage & cucumber)

I say it is a MUST, because without these side dishes and garnishes, the rice is not called nasi lalapan.

So, how is it now Boo. I am trying my very best to give you the best explanation on the meaning of “lelapan”. Hehehehe :P – One for sure, if one day, happen that you come to Miri I will bring you to taste it. Ok?

Delicious --------------------- Licking Fingers

Awesome video! Six Days - but NFSP vid much better :P

This Is Our Song