Thursday, December 4, 2008


morning my lovely cute blog..

sorry coz i didn't write anything for the past few days.. not feeling well due to the very hot shinny day here in Miri. our air-cond in the office so damn lousy.. make me sweat!!! all over the whole day.. :(

i m on diet programme right now and to be honest and to be frank to you that i m very OBSESS to get back my figure. 48kg might be impossible coz it will not suite my size right now.. I m targeting and aiming for at least 50-55kg an ideal weight advised by the Marie France Body Line health adviser. I went there last week and get to know more details on the best and healthy way to reduce fat and get slimmer.

so far, i m doing dieting of my own (my style laa..).. i m taking a diet capsule and controlling my "Big EATER" habit. even though it is very hard to do, but now i m not gonna turn back matter what will happen, BY ALL MEANS i must moving forward to achieve my GOAL. Insyaallah..

I went to accompany my mum for shopping yesterday at the emart supermarket over at PermyJaya area. I saw a lot of fresh fruits and i bought some for my stock. I bought pineapple, honeydew and papaya (my favorite fruits..).. I ate 3 slices of pineapple last nite and then took 1 glass of low fat milk (Omega Plus). No RICE taken yesterday. some more, i also avoid myself to take caffeine and sugar. if i want to, i will make sure it will be less than before. No FRIED food as well (if possible laa...). starting next week, i will attend the dance class - 3 days in a week - 1 1/2 hr per session.. from 5.30pm to 7pm. hopefully, it will works on me.. kick my own butt if it is NOT!! :(

huh *sigh*..dun know what will happen to me after this.. i m not sure what is actually my NEEDS and WANTS - for me, myself and I.. i m blur.. dun know why i must do this to myself.. whats for? healthy? YES! i m healthy.. so what?? stupid reason..isshh...ishh...isshh... human never had enough!! too DEMANDING!!

so stu............. :( wish me luck...

NEW YEAR 2009 means:

1. New AGE (means: getting OLDER (27 yrs old), NO BOYFRINED (my love life so SUCK!!)and NO LIFE)..hope i will not commit suicide.. :P
2. New LOOK (means: face got "V" shape)no more "O: shape like now..DOUBLE CHIN! weekk!! :(
3. New FIGURE (means: new size for BRA, UNDERWEAR etc)looks SEXY in the SATIN TRANSPARENT LINGERIE.. ooouuccchhh! watch outt!! sexy-naught-bitchy (tata young)
4. New BODY (means: weight is 50-55kg , waist is 27-28)light and easy to carry to the bed.. hahahaha :> (devil laugh).



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