Sunday, June 13, 2010

for the rest of my life

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say

I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here

Infront of me I strongly feel love

And I have no doubt

And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Yup. that's what i heard.

so, what else to say? maybe this is the best way to be. maybe, it's time to surrender.

i don't want to force people to remember me, sms me, chat with me, email me and whatsoever.

i just let them be "silent" because i know and i understand, i am just a girl who always give them stress, boring mood.

(sigh) i live my life as it is now. i never ever forget my friends. coz friends are GOD  most precious gift.

i always pray for their HAPPINESS.

Regards, B0o

Monday, June 7, 2010

can't hardly wait for this movie - RESIDENT EVIL - AFTERLIFE - wanna see my IDOLE - mila jovovich..YAYYY!!


She is my IDOLE. i am so damn adore her talent, beauty and etc about her..

how i wish i could snap a pic with her..omg!! she's GORGEOUS!!

this movie will release by September 2010. can't hardly wait for the movie and her ACTIONS on cinema...go girl!! ;D

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tonight - i am thinking about him - someone that i used to call as "B"

~ Dear B ~

I do not know what to think
I do not know what to do
I am sitting here in tears
Because I will never be with you
I thought you would be the one
To take away my feelings of blue

But now I can see
That I was so truely wrong
I have been thinking a long time
About you and me

But now I can see
That maybe it was never meant to be
Where do I go from here?
What am I meant to think?
I think of you, and shed a tear
As my confidence slowly sinks
I could not care less
About anything other than you right now
I feel such a mess

How did I fall for you so quickly?
Tell me...How?!
You are so perfect in my mind
I do not want no one else but you
But my friends keep telling me
That in time
I will find
Someone new

I do not think I can believe them this time
As I like you so much
I can not help but imagine the wedding bells chime
But you will never have feelings for me like that as such...
coz u knew "I will NEVER be with you"

and lastly, i just let our memories fading away
seeing you go with her...hand in hand
I say a little prayer for both of you

"Dear Lord, let them be blessed with all your love and together forever and ever..till death...amin.."

~Sincerely from your Long Lost Bo0~

Song from Secret Garden - i miss you B...very deep inside my heart..


aku sekarang berada di bilik adik ku. yang lain, masing2 buat hal sendiri. ye lah, tambahan pulak esok cuti. birthday AGUNG - DAULAT TUANKU.. (sigh). aku lost. betul2 aku tak tau nak buat apa lagi dah malam2 gini. setengah jam yang lepas, aku baru je balik dari membeli kuih muih di pasar malam saberkas. cuma ada hari jumaat dan sabtu je. aku tertinggal handphone ku di rumah. ingatkan bila aku balik, ada lah satu dua SMS diterima.

hah..bila je sampai umah, aku carik handphone aku and NOTHING...AT ALL...tapi aku tak marah cuma aku rasa sedikit terkilan. aku hairan, kenapa aku saja yang salu teringatkan orang? aku? takde sapa pun nak ingat, jauh sekali nak mengenang. entah lah. aku tak pernah demanding dalam apa2 pun hubungan, baik dalam persahabatan ataupun cintan cintun. aku tak suruh call tiap2 ari...aku cuma nak bila bukak je mata, terus sms or bz mcm manapun, cukup lah hantar sms berbunyi "sorry..ari nie bz u, miss u..muaahh"..ataupun "muahh"...cukup lah takat seberapa kerat tu je. sekali dlm sehari da cukup and kalau dua kali pun, bila da nak tido lah.."good nite"...

aku faham kalau org kata BUSY. coz i am a career women. dah  bertahun2 dah bekerja. masakan aku tak memahami jikalau orang kata "busy". aku bukanlah seiorang perempuan yang terlalu kejam sehingga meletakkan syarat2 dalam apa jua jenis perhubungan. cuma aku heran, kenapa susah sangat orang nak faham? berat sangat ke permintaan aku??

tiap kali on9, aku pasti akan mulakan dengan salam kepada semua kawan2 yang on9. kalau ada yang off9 pun aku bagi gak pesanan, takat to say good morning and have a nice day. ada yang reply, ada pulak saja2 biarkan mcm gitu. kadang2 perasaan sedih mula timbul dengan sikap kawan2. kadang2 email pun brtahun2 tak dibalas dengan alasan terlalu sibuk. YA ALLAH.. masakan sibuk sebegitu sekali, adakah masa untuk bermunajat? kepada ALLAH yang meberikan rezeki penuh zat? hidup mewah serba cukup penuh nikmat? masakan satu saat tiada terluang untuk membaca email, membalas...paling tidak pun SMS...

SMS - saban hari aku mengintai handphone ku. nasib baiklah bukanlah smart phone. cuma handphone biasa je. aku tak punya teman istimewa. entah lah kenapa liat sangat jodoh aku. bila berjumpa, aku pulak yang jadi TABUNG KEBAJIKAN - asyik nak pinjam duit lah, itu lah, ini lah..rimas..aku jadi rimas. sepatutnya lelaki hendak lah bertindak sebagai ketua, cuba selesaikan masalah lain pulak, aku pulak support finance..aarrghhh!!!!!....aku tension...

bagi sesetengah kawan2, aku semakin dlupakan. ye lah, aku pun sibuk jugak..tapi aku tau nak sparekan masa untuk SMS. cukup lah sekadar yang ringkas seperti bertanya kabar ataupun mendoakan kesejahteraan kawan2. tetapi akhirnya, AKU DILUPAKAN.

Having Chest Pain

(''-.-) huh...(sigh).. i am so tired of having this painful chest (hard to breathe). Almost 2 and a half weeks already and it's getting worst especially when the night comes. Every midnight i will be having some sort of like "asthma" symptom which makes my breathing tube feels like "busted" from my chest. I will sit down, try to keep my body/back straight on the couch for easy breathing. In mind, i keep on asking myself, what is actually happening to me recently (sigh). I still remember, last week I was too tired and exhausted (because we were moving in to our new office - a lot of things wasn't completed by the contractor, renovation works, painting the wall, air-cond installation etc). The dust was here and there - filled the office spaces with no AIR/OXYGEN at all for us to breathe. Plus, due to Gawai celebration (1st June) mood, the contractors seems to do things like so "cincai" and "kelam-kabut". My chest pain was feeling so terrible till one time my throat and heart felt like bloted, it caused a very damn huge blood vomit (for 3 days in a row) in the office. However, i didn't tell anybody about this (especially my family).

Lastly, every time before my sleep and whenever i open my eyes in the morning, the very first thing to do is to say a little prayer, praise to Allah the Almighty to keep me myself in a good shape of health and please to keep this pain away from me. I am so afraid of this pain ever since i noticed that it can cause me death - sometimes am not be able to breathe smoothly/get stuck (feeling like i am a working corpse on the earth)...
