Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~ In LOVING Memories - My HuCkleBeRrY BoO ~

You see this story starts over a year ago. Well will soon be 2 years ago. I had meet this man. Well to me this man was perfect. But then when one loves someone that seems to be the case doesn't it. Well you see in the begining thing were great other than he was over (486 km) miles away. So seeing each other than by a plane ride wasn't really going to work. Well things went along for a while all fine and dandy. Till suddenly he started to change. Not sure, was it me or him. My life totally MISERABLE when he wasn't here with me. I always wanted him to know that, HOW MUCH I NEED HIM by my side. Well, i wasn't a demanded GF and actually he was considered as a very lucky BF to have me. Why did i said that? Because, all this while i kept this feeling of loneliness to myself, just because i don't want to make him feels like being FORCE or PUSH too hard in this relationship. However, i saw that he never ever wanted to learn about LOVE LIFE, and not even tried to understand my feeling (so hard to hear him saying I LOVE YOU - I MISS YOU).. Arrghh!!!! Then, it happened about a week ago, he CONFIRMED me with one thing ---> BREAK-OFF. I sent him an email to discuss about this and that time i was so upset. I wrote everything and asking for the break-off he thinks that he can't go on with this relationship anymore.Well not taking any notice. I let things go. Well i figure he had cold feet. So i let it go. decided to see where thing went wrong from there. They went down hill big time...
and NOW - TODAY, we are OVER with this relationship. To be honest with him, me myself, there is no BIG MATTER about this break-off between us. He was a very good guy to me. He was really2 mature but he wasn't a a lover (as of yet). He admit that for so long. He didn't know about how was it being in love and to treat his GF (me).. :D whatever it is, our decision is for our goods and future. We still friends and hope still keep in touch as like before.. Insyaallah, we both pray for each other and if there is a faith, destiny, if we are really MEANT to be with each other, the time will come and it will show us.. Amin..

Monday, July 12, 2010

I Love You o-('',)-o so much...muuaahh

I would give up everything
Before I'd separate myself from you
After so much suffering
I've finally found unvarnished truth
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heart it would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you
I was lost lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful i found you.

(98 Degrees)
I would give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
Because without you beside me I can't survive
Don't wanna try
If you're keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be all right
Cause I need you in my life

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you (I'm thanking you)
I was lost lost without you (so lost without you)
My every wish and every dream (every dream, every dream)
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight (brought the sunlight)
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful I found you.

-Bridge- (Mariah & 98 Degrees)
See I was so desolate
Before you came to me
Looking back I guess it shows
That we were destined to shine
After the rain to appreciate
The gift of what we have
And I'd go through it all over again
To be able to feel this way

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you
I was lost lost without you (lost without you baby)
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life (whole life)
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Sweet baby I'm so thankful
I found you

(Chorus - all)
Thank God I found you
I'm lost lost without you
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful
I found you

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
My baby I'm so thankful I found you

Friday, July 9, 2010

SOMEONE is PEEPS on ME!! pick a boo!! pity...


today is SATURDAY @ 10/07/2010. After this, me, fred and sahrail will make a move to PARKSON for PREDATOR movie..yaayy!!! i can say that we are the 3 STOOGES and there, bfast or lunch..hahaha ('',)-o it's nice to have this kind of friendship..makes me feel happy and really my life...Thanks GOD i found them ...

oh ya..i just would like to write about people who is never ever giving up on me, keep on investigating me, peeping on my life..haiisshh (''-_-)...i never thought that after that tragedy, i becoming so WELL KNOWN and FAMOUS..hahahaha :)

i just get to know from my friends that SOMEONE always surfed on this SUGAR & SALT blog. i wonder WHY? this is my blog, and it's up to me to write this and that..isn't??? huh...please that SOMEONE, please stop being CHILDISH ok? just live your life as it is NOW. I remember one day, you and me communicated thru the SMS. I gave you my full RESPECT and by all means tried not to hurt your feeling. And you to me at that time, was a very good person, talked nicely and gave advise (eventhough it wasn't my was HIM..). But am totally WRONG about you. coz at my back, keep on talking about bad thing, about me.. what you get?

i heard you said, i was asking and looking, begging for others sympathy for what i ve gone through. aahh..when i heard that, it makes me LAUGH..because, it wasn't ME but it is YOU YOUR GOODSELF. talking at my back, MAKE UP stories and keep on repeating the same old stories to your friends, relatives etc. so tell me now, who is the one? begging/looking for people's sympathy?? still never have any TRUSTWORTHY-CONFIDENT to him, to your self especially. after that particular month and year, to date 10/07/2010, i never ever got any INTENTION to kacau or try to do the COME BACK into his life ever ever ever and ever again..NEVER!. shit! what for? i got a better life now..happy with my friends and family

SO, all i wanted you to do is to STAY AWAY from my life as like what am doing now..and actually it is for a very long time already, I DID IT.. to YOU, i am a BITCH - to me, you are still a lady - a HUMAN BEING made by GOD- Allah SWT. we are the SAME. bare in your mind...  Whatever past, i let it be my past, and to whatever things happen after that, I just say a little prayer and live it to GOD to deal with it. Insyaallah..amin..

BE FAIR... dun let me PLAY THE GAME - for ONE MORE TIME...

hahhaa....i can't write anything now..but it is so funny when i just get to know that SOMEONE is keep on INVESTIGATING life my everything...()&*)(&)#%^(@*%(%(!!