Wednesday, January 4, 2012

~Letting Go & Move On~


Good morning New Year 2012 and it is the 4th day of January, 2012.

Just a quick little sharing, a worries in mind. I am having trouble letting go and moving on. I am in my early 30s and have been single for most of my life. I have had a lot of unrequited love and close friendships with guys who liked me very much but either were taken or didn't feel "that way" about me. (I don't think ma Dato S has dated a whole lot either.) I enjoy my job (even it is sometimes really Fed-UP!), my friends and my family very much and have pretty much everything I could ask for in life (this i can say "ALMOST"). But I am striking out big time in LOVE!. ~sigh~ :(

I don't believe that there's just one person out there for each of us. That's the reason why we may come across to this quote "meeting a lot of WRONG person before meeting the RIGHT ones.."

Thank you so much for any advice you can share.

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