Tuesday, April 17, 2012


what BEST about HIM ~ ma BOYFRIEND:

---> he can sing. he got a very romantic voice.. a real MAN's voice.

and I LOVE HIM so much..

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Morning all..

Refer to the title, u all might think that im gonna be a BRIDE soon, right? 

But im NOT.. i mean, not AS OF YET. Insyaallah... One day, with God's Will, i will become one pretty and lovely bride to the MAN i love the most. Amin..

Actually, i am listening to Careless Whisper song by George Michael. And in ma mind, im thinking of to plan something different in ma wedding party/ceremony in future.

What im gonna do? Herm... i wanna DANCE with ma MAN on that day (on our reception nite). Most probably will be doing it in a hotel ballroom. Sound so nice and romantic right? I just can't imagine how wonderful that nite gonna be, me in a white wedding dress and he will be in his black tuxedo (whoever he is).

then, at the dance floor, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, eyes meet eyes, we both gonna dance together. Surely its gonna be the best moment in life, to dance with a man of ma life. All i wanna do is to feel maself in his arms, his shoulder, his chest while we are dancing through the nite (along with the Careless Whisper song). I wanna taste his love in his moves, his fragrant in his perfume, his charms in his smile. OMG! ma hearts surely beats faster than ever.

i will not care about what the crowd gonna say, what eyes gonna see on that night. if possible, i want the crowd to join us and be part of our love. To celebrate the LOVES.

I wish. I pray. For the night to become REAL.

I love Him so much. even though now is seems to be gone and fading away.

Love, BB

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tears are falling...

i treats ma blog as ma diaries. that is the reason why i much prefer to "say it out loud" here. 

girls, tell me what u gonna do when u found out that your loves one was cheating on u??
not once but always. if u are asking me rite now, i am totally speechless.. 

but only tears are now falling. from this morning till at this moment while i am writing this blog.

the meaning and the real feeling of BROKEN-HEART is what i am facing right now. 

Me in YEAR 2012


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

im into MOVIES :)

2 thumbs up for the movie. i enjoyed every scenes... 2nd best movie for d year 2011 (few days before the countdown). wanna know the 1st BEST movie? (based on ma rating and ma point of view lah..)


hahahaha... this was released on 2009 and i just watched it on the last Dec, 2011. nguahahhahaaa :) love the actors especially KIM HYUN JOONG (Ji Hoo) and the actress Jan Di (so like a Barbie Doll her face).. come and see the vic.. selected part (ma favourite)..melt me!!!

eternal love 4.01.2012

My eternal love,

I really had to write this letter today because I can´t stop thinking about you, even if I try my hardest not to.Much as I know there isn´t much you can do against an ocean of distance between us, you still don´t seem to leave my thoughts.

You are my most constant memory; you are the consolidate passion in my heart, in my body and in every inch of my skin.

Now and forever, all I wish is to feel your head on my shoulder even after when the unmerciful signs of time decide to take away that light in your eyes and the strength of your body. You, my beloved boyfriend, will always have the loveliest and most beautiful face and I will always see in your smile the silver lining of my dreams.

With a kiss from yours, 

~Letting Go & Move On~


Good morning New Year 2012 and it is the 4th day of January, 2012.

Just a quick little sharing, a worries in mind. I am having trouble letting go and moving on. I am in my early 30s and have been single for most of my life. I have had a lot of unrequited love and close friendships with guys who liked me very much but either were taken or didn't feel "that way" about me. (I don't think ma Dato S has dated a whole lot either.) I enjoy my job (even it is sometimes really Fed-UP!), my friends and my family very much and have pretty much everything I could ask for in life (this i can say "ALMOST"). But I am striking out big time in LOVE!. ~sigh~ :(

I don't believe that there's just one person out there for each of us. That's the reason why we may come across to this quote "meeting a lot of WRONG person before meeting the RIGHT ones.."

Thank you so much for any advice you can share.