Tuesday, May 5, 2009

he came across my mind.. and i miss him so much :(


Written with a pen .. Sealed with a kiss..
if you r my friend,
answer me this 'are we friends, or are we not?
you told me once but now i 4got
so tell me now and tell me true,
so i can say ' im here 4 you'
of all the friends i've ever met,
ur the on i'll never 4get.
and if i die b4 you do
i'll go 2 heaven and wait 4 you
I’ll give the angels back there wings,
and risk the lose of everything
there isn’t a thing i wouldn’t do
to have
(((A FrIeNd JuSt LiKe YoU)))

**dedicated to my dearest friend - Ebby

i miss u so much my friend..i m so lost since u been gone.

May ur soul rest in peace..Al-Fatihah..

with Love,

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